Robert De Niro a fost ales presedintele juriului in cadrul Festivalului de Film de la Cannes din acest an! Celebrul actor a participat la festival de 8 ori pana acum si doua dintre filmele sale au fost castigatoare Palme d’Or: Taxi Driver, in 1976 si dupa 10 ani The Mission, regizat de Roland Joffe.


Organizatorii festivalului au declarat ca l-au invitat pe Robert De Niro si pentru ca Festivalul de Film Tribeca [al carui co-fondator este] implineste in 2011 10 ani de existenta.

“As co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival and the Doha Tribeca Film Festival I have an increased appreciation for the jury, who serve, undertaking an important role in choosing films that are represented in the world of film at its highest level, and these types of festivals help connect the international film community and have a lasting cultural impact. Having served as President of the Jury in the eighties twice, I know this isn’t an easy task for me or my fellow jury members, but I’m very honored and happy to head the jury for this year’s Cannes Film Festival,” a declarat Robert De Niro.

Robert De Niro este cel de-al 5-lea american din ultimii 10 ani ales ca presedinte al juriului la Cannes, dupa Tim Burton anul trecut, Sean Penn in 2008, Quentin Tarantino in 2004, iar David Lynch in 2002.

Cea de-a 64-a editie a Festivalului de Film de la Cannes va avea loc intre 11 si 22 mai 2011.