photo brie-larson-jimmy-09oct15-04_zpsslxx47g4.jpgMichael Fassbender a fost invitatul emsiunii The Tonight Show din 8 octombrie, in New York City.

Actorul de 38 de ani a discutat cu Jimmy Fallon despre noul sau film, Steve Jobs, in care il interpreteaza pe faimosul fondator Apple.

It’s amazing just to see how much of an impact he still has on their lives and how much they remember him. I could feel the sadness, and the love there was pretty palpable. So that was something I really took from those meetings,” a declarat Michael Fassbender despre intalnirea cu colegii lui Steve Jobs.

De asemenea, el a declarat ca si-a inceput cariera de actor inca de mic, in biserica, unde era acolit: “It is actually the first sort of experience of acting, really. I felt like I was up on a stage. It actually was quite boring sitting there in the congregation, but to be up part of it…” a explicat Michael Fassbender.