Seria Cormoran Strike, scrisa de minunata J.K. Rowling sub pseudonimul Robert Galbraith, va fi ecranizata de BBC One!


BBC One si Brontë Film & TV, compania de productie a lui J.K. Rowling, au anuntat care sunt actorii britanici care ii vor interpreta pe Cormoran Strike si Robin Ellacott, protagonistii seriei: Tom Burke si Holliday Grainger. Filmarile au inceput deja, la Londra.

Cele trei carti deja aparute vor fi adaptate astfel: The Cuckoo’s Calling – 3 parti de cate 60 minute, The Silkworm si Career Of Evil – 2 parti de cate 60 minute fiecare. Tom Burke, pe care l-am putut vedea in rolul lui Fedor Dolokhov din War And Peace si Athos din The Musketeers, va fi Strike, fost veteran de razboi transformat in detectiv particular. Desi este ranit atat fizic, cat si psihic, istetimea, caracterul analitic si minutios al acestuia si mai ales experienta de anchetator SIB il vor face sa rezolve trei cazuri complexe, nerezolvate de politie. Holliday Grainger este o actrita de 28 de ani cunoscuta pentru rolurile din Jane Eyre (2011), Cinderella (2015) si The Finest Hours (2016).

I’m overjoyed to be immersing myself in the role of Cormoran Strike, who is as complex as he is larger than life. I know I’m joining an extraordinary team of people on a series that for me is peppered with moments of real emotional depth and meticulously grounded in the page-turning momentum of these novels. Cormoran’s world is rich and raw,” a declarat actorul de 35 de ani.

I’m thrilled about the casting of Tom Burke, a massively talented actor who’ll bring the character to perfect life. Cormoran Strike is pure joy to write and I can’t wait to see Tom play him,” a adaugat J. K. Rowling.

Ben Richards (The Tunnel, Sabotage, Spooks) va scrie The Cuckoo’s Calling si The Silkworm, in timp ce Tom Edge (The Last Dragon Slayer, Lovesick) se va ocupa de scenariul lui Career of Evil. Michael Keillor (Line Of Duty, Critical) va regiza The Cuckoo’s Calling.