Eli Roth (Knock Knock) va regiza Borderlands, adaptarea jocului cu acelasi nume, proiect pe care Lionsgate il are in lucru inca din 2015.

Lansat in 2009, Borderlands este un shooter game creat de Gearbox Software si lansat de Take-Two Interactive Software’s 2K. Jocul S.F. se desfasoara pe planeta Pandora, care a fost abandonata anterior de o mega corporatie. Au fost vandute peste 57 de milioane de unitati ale seriei, Borderlands 3 fiind lansat in septembrie 2019.

Craig Mazin, castigator al Premiului Emmy pentru Chernobyl, a scris cel mai recent scenariu al filmului.

I’m so excited to dive into the world of ‘Borderlands’ and I could not be doing it with a better script, producing team, and studio. I have a long, successful history with Lionsgate – I feel like we have grown up together and that everything in my directing career has led to a project of this scale and ambition. I look forward to bringing my own energy, ideas, and vision to the wild, fun, and endlessly creative world of the game,” a declarat Eli Roth.

With Eli’s vision and Craig’s screenplay, we believe we have cracked the code on bringing the anarchic world of ‘Borderlands’ to the big screen in a big way that will be a fresh, compelling and cinematic event for moviegoers and fans of the game,” a adaugat Nathan Kahane, presedintele Lionsgate Motion Picture Group.