Ryan Phillippe (Crash), Kat Graham (How It Ends) si Jim Gaffigan (American Dreamer) vor juca rolurile principale din Collide, un nou thriller produs de Vertical Entertainment, TPC si Robert Ogden Barnum.
Scris si regizat de Mukunda Michael Dewil (Retribution), filmul este prezentat ca un thriller noir care iti taie rasuflarea, in care trei povesti interconectate ajung impreuna la un final exploziv. Drumurile unui grup de personaje se intersecteaza, in cursul unei singure seri, intr-un restaurant din Los Angeles.
David Cade (Lansky), Dylan Flashner (The Card Counter), Drea de Matteo (The Sopranos), Aisha Dee (The Bold Type), David James Elliot (Heart of Champions) si Paul Ben-Victor (Daredevil) joaca de asemenea in film. Vertical Entertainment planuieste sa lanseze Collide spre finalul acestui an.
“As an ensemble piece, I knew even if I did everything else right on Collide it was only really going to work if I got that right cast. So, I’m really grateful to my producer Rob Barnum and Neely Eisenstein, our casting director, for helping me get the actors I needed for this. It’s such a strong cast and they’ve been able to really bring these complex and compelling characters to life,” a declarat regizorul Mukunda.
“Collide is our second foray in this endeavor with Rob and TPC and we are incredibly proud of the progress of our partnerships thus far in creating a streamlined process for fully financing projects. With this now being Vertical’s sixth collaboration with Rob, we trust his eye for storytelling and know that between the film’s gripping script and phenomenal cast, it will shine on screen. We look forward to continuing to build upon our financial model with TPC and for others to see its potential for success,” a adaugat Peter Jarowey de la Vertical Entertainment.
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