Cea de-a 97-a editie a Premiilor Oscar si-a gasit gazda: celebrul prezentator de talkshow, scenarist, producator si comediant Conan O’Brien!

We are thrilled and honored to have the incomparable Conan O’Brien host the Oscars this year,” said Kramer and Yang. “He is the perfect person to help lead our global celebration of film with his brilliant humor, his love of movies and his live TV expertise. His remarkable ability to connect with audiences will bring viewers together to do what the Oscars do best — honor the spectacular films and filmmakers of this year,” au declarat Bill Kramer, CEO-ul Academiei Americane de Film si Janet Yang, presedintele acesteia. „America demanded it and now it’s happening: Taco Bell’s new Cheesy Chalupa Supreme. In other news, I’m hosting the Oscars,” a adaugat O’Brien.

Desi este foarte cunoscut si apreciat pentru activitatea sa artistica, va fi prima data cand Conan O’Brien va prezenta ceremonia de decernare a Premiilor Oscar. Si chiar a fost o alegere neasteptata, deoarece se tot zvonea ca editia din 2025 va fi prezentata de mai multe celebritati sau chiar de duo-ul Ryan Reynolds si Hugh Jackman (Deadpool & Wolverine). Jimmy Kimmel, care a gazduit de patru ori celebra ceremonia, inclusiv anul trecut, se pare ca a refuzat oferta, la fel si John Mulaney, care a prezentat, cu mare succes la public, Governors Awards.

Conan O’Brien a fost insa gazda Premiilor Emmy de doua ori, in 2002 si 2006 si a MTV Movie Awards in 2014. Acesta a devenit viral datorita glumelor din cadrul Premiilor Emmy 2021, unde a fost nominalizar la categoria cel mai bun talkshow de varietati.

„Conan is a pre-eminent comedic voice, whose decades-long success is marked by his distinctive humor and perspective. He joins an iconic roster of comedy greats who have served in this role, and we are so lucky to have him center stage for the Oscars,” a declarat Craig Erwich, Presedintele Disney Television Group.

„Conan has all the qualities of a great Oscars host — he is incredibly witty, charismatic and funny and has proven himself to be a master of live event television. We are so looking forward to working with him to deliver a fresh, exciting and celebratory show for Hollywood’s biggest night,” au adaugat Raj Kapoor si Katy Mullan, producatori executivi ai Oscar-urilor.

Cea de-a 97-a editie a Premiilor Oscar va avea loc duminica, 2 martie 2025, la Dolby Theatre din Hollywood, fiind difuzat live de ABC.