Image and video hosting by TinyPicAndy Samberg, fostul membru Saturday Night Live si actualul star al comediei de succes Brooklyn Nine-Nine, va fi gazda celei de-a 67-a editii a Premiilor Emmy!

“It’s wonderfully fitting that we have Andy Samberg, an Emmy Award winner himself, as our host for this year’s Primetime Emmy Awards,” a declarat Bruce Rosenblum, CEO-ul TV Academy. “Andy has excelled in all aspects of the television universe, both from behind and in front of the camera.”

“The moment the Emmy Awards’ host was brought up, we said it had to be Andy,” a adaugat directorul Fox TV Group, Gary Newman. “He is fearless, hilarious, an award-winning comedian, singer, writer and actor with incredible live TV experience.”

Inca de la Saturday Night Live, unde a introdus show-ul in era digitala, devenind un adevarat superstar cu digital short-urile semnate Lonely Island, Andy Samberg este unul dintre comediantii mei preferati! Este atat de amuzant, fresh, natural si adorabil in toate aparitiile sale, iar rolul principal din Brooklyn Nine-Nine i se potriveste de minune; serialul, care a primit deja sezonul 3, a devenit repede unul dintre preferatele mele, oferindu-mi umorul [de calitate] preferat.

Nominalizarile la Premiile Emmy 2015 vor fi anuntate pe 15 iulie, ceremonia avand loc duminica, 20 septembrie 2015!

“Buckle your seat belts, Emmy viewers!,” a declarat Samberg. “Like, in general you should buckle your seat belts in your car. In fact, even if you’re not an Emmy viewer, you should buckle your seat belt. It can be dangerous on the road. Also, if you’re not an Emmy viewer, you should strongly consider becoming one this year, because I’m hosting, and it’s gonna be a wild ride. So buckle your seat belts.” 😀