El secreto de sus ojos/ The Secret in Their Eyes, filmul argentinian regizat de Juan José Campanella care a castigat Oscar-ul in 2010 pentru cel mai bun film strain, este adaptat de regizorul si scenaristul Billy Ray (Captain Phillips, Breach). Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Dean Norris, Michael Kelly, Dean Norris, Michael Kelly, Don Harvey si Lyndon Smith fac parte din distributia noului film, care va avea premiera pe 23 octombrie 2015.

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Chiwetel Ejiofor si Julia Roberts joaca rolurile a doi agenti FBI, Ray si Jess, care sunt supervizati de procuroarea Claire (Nicole Kidman). Vietile lor sunt date peste cap cand fiica adolescenta a lui Jess este omorata in mod brutal, aparent fara niciun motiv. Timp de 13 ani, neputinta de a-l aduce pe criminal in fata justitiei ii bantuie pe cei trei, pana in momentul in care Ray descopera un nou indiciu care poate fi vital in gasirea vinovatului. Niciunul nu este pregatit, totusi, pentru secretul socant si cumplit, care va dezvalui efectele distrugatoare si de lunga durata pe care le are razbunarea asupra sufletului uman.

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“When I sat down to write the movie, I thought I was writing a movie about loss. It turned out that the movie wanted to be about something else,” a explicat Billy Ray. “The movie wanted to be about obsession. It wanted to be about these people that are frozen for 13 years because this horrible crime has torn all their lives apart and none of them can get unstuck, and then here comes Ray, played by Chiwetel, who decides he knows a way to unstick them. And then he proceeds to try to do that and with varying degrees of willingness they let him.”

Acesta a adaugat: “I felt that as great as that movie is, and I literally mean great, I felt that it needed to be made into a slightly more muscular version of itself, and that just meant it needed a little bit more story and a couple of things I thought were sort of uniquely American touches to justify retelling the story. I’m pretty confident we found all that.”