- Image UploadKirsten Dunst a fost invitata din 15 martie a emisiunii Jimmy Kimmel Live; actrita mea preferata a purtat o rochie Valentino Resort 2016.

Aceasta isi promoveaza noul film, Midnight Special si a povestit despre cat de greu a fost sa iasa din personaj dupa scenele sinistre din serialul Fargo. ‘I’m proud of that one. That was actually one of the most intense characters I’ve played,” a declarat actrita de 33 de ani despre rolul lui Peggy Blomquist.

Despre Midnight Special, Kirsten Dunst a declarat: “It’s a throwback to those films but filtered through this incredible director Jeff Nichols. He did Mud and Take Shelter. He’s a great guy and a great director. He’s very talented. I love this movie. I’m really proud of it.”

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