Tanara actrita Sophie Turner si-a gasit deja viitorul rol post Game of Thrones – noua drama Survive!

Noul serial va aparea pe viitorul serviciu de streaming, QuibiSurvive spune povestea lui Jane (Turner) care, alaturi de Paul (Corey Hawkins), sunt singurii care supravietuiesc dupa ce avionul lor se prabuseste pe varful unui munte acoperit cu zapada. Impreuna, acestia pornesc intr-o calatorie agonizanta pentru a supravietui pustietatii, luptandu-se cu conditii vitrege si traume personale.

I couldn’t be more honored to portray the role of Jane in Survive for Quibi. She’s a complex character fighting against the odds to not only save her life, but to also find her own source of strength and courage. I only hope this can impact anyone struggling with self-worth to understand they are braver than they know and to seek the support they need,” a declarat Sophie Turner.