Lionsgate a lansat primul trailer al filmului Run, un thriller/horror scris si regizat de Aneesh Chaganty, care a facut furori in 2018 cu primul sau lungmetraj, thriller-ul misterios Searching.

Exista ceva sinistru si nenatural in relatia pe care Chloe (Kiera Allen) o are cu mama sa, Diane (Sarah Paulson). Aceasta si-a crescut fiica complet izolata de restul lumii, controlandu-i fiecare miscare inca de la nastere. Ajunsa la adolescenta, Chloe incepe sa descopere secrete terifiante legate de Diane si de adevarata sa identitate, care o vor face sa FUGA.

The relationship between Mother and Daughter, which is at the crux of the film, evolves in a really interesting way. There is a lot of suspicion and mistrust and secrecy and you never quite know what reality is. It’s kind of hard to get your footing in this movie and know what’s true or not and so that’s really interesting for me to play from the perspective of my character of not knowing quite what’s real and how much I can trust and what’s at stake,” a declarat Perri Nemiroff de la Collider, care a fost prezenta la filmarile de anul trecut.

Run va avea premiera in Romania pe 8 mai 2020, fiind distribuit de Ro Image.