Starz are in lucru un nou serial de comedie intitulat East Wing, care o va avea ca protagonista pe Debra Messing (Will & Grace)!

Creat de Ali Wentworth (Head Case) si Liz Tuccillo (Divorce), East Wing este inspirat chiar de mama lui Wentworth, care a avut functia de Social Secretary la Casa Alba, in timpul presedintiei din anii ’80 a lui Ronald Reagan. Serialul o va avea in centru pe Hollis Carlisle (Messing), o amfitrioana extraordinara care se lupta cu niste copii rebeli, un sot care se simte amenintat, seful staff-ului Primei Doamne Nancy Reagan, dar si cu anxietate sociala debilitanta. Ali Wentworth va fi Kelly Forbes, prietena cea mai buna a lui Hollis, o mama (casnica) putin invidioasa pe succesul acesteia.

Lionsgate Television va produce noua comedie, iar Debra Messing va fi productor executiv, alaturi de Wentworth, Tuccillo, Howard Klein de la 3 Arts si Molly Madden.

The charm and relatability Debra brings to every character she inhabits will captivate audiences once again as she brings Hollis to life on the screen. This is a whip-smart comedy that despite its 1980’s set dressing, is a pointed commentary on politics and the politics of being a woman today that will be a valuable addition to our slate of premium programming by and for women. Debra, Ali and Liz will most definitely not be pulling any punches,” a declarat Christina Davis de la Starz.

Debra is a singular talent with whom we’ve had the honor of working in the past, and we couldn’t be more excited to reunite with Ali to bring her mother’s incredible story to viewers. Ali, Debra and Liz are shepherding a witty and empowering series right in the wheelhouse of our Starz premium platform,” a adaugat Kevin Beggs, presedinte Lionsgate Television Group.