Asphalt City este un nou thriller verité intens si emotionant, regizat de Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire (A Prayer Before Dawn); scenariul, bazat pe romanul cu acelasi nume din 2008 al lui Shannon Burke, este scris de Ryan King (The Tutor) si Ben Mac Brown.

Ollie Cross (Tye Sheridan) este un tanar paramedic care primeste tura de noapte din New York, unde va lucra alaturi de veteranul Gene Rutkovsky (Sean Penn). Noptile intunecate dezvaluie un oras aflat in criza. Rutkovsky il ghideaza pe Cross, iar fiecare apel la 911 este periculos si incert, cei doi punandu-si viata in pericol in fiecare zi pentru a-i ajuta pe altii. Tanarul Cross descopera curand haosul si incantarea unui job care trece de la o stare sfasietoare la una plina de speranta, iar relatia dintre el si Rutkovsky va fi testata de o ambiguitate etica, care poate face diferenta dintre viata si moarte.

Gbenga Akkinagbe (Fast Charlie), Raquel Nave (Bizarre Again), Kali Reis (True Detective: Night Country), Michael C. Pitt (Ghost in the Shell), Katherine Waterston (Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore) si Mike Tyson (The Hangover) intregesc distributia filmului care a avut premiera in cadrul Festivalului de Film de la Cannes din 2023, sub titlul de Black Flies.

We are pleased to be working with Vertical and Roadside Attractions as their reputation precedes them. Jean-Stéphane’s unique style of filmmaking is all-encompassing and we look forward to the collaboration to bring this exceptional film to audiences this Spring,” a declarat Warren Goz, CEO-ul Sculptor Media, producatoare a filmului.

We were deeply moved by the incredible portrait of EMT life on the streets in New York that is the heart of Asphalt City. Director Jean-Stephane and stars Tye Sheridan and Sean Penn together deliver an unforgettable work of visceral power about these unsung heroes of urban life,” au adaugat Eric d’Arbeloff si Howard Cohen, co-presedintii Roadside Attractions.

Asphalt City va fi lansat in cinematografe pe 24 martie 2024.