Casey Wilson va juca rolul principal in Marry Me, noua comedie scrisa si produsa de David Caspe (Happy Endings).

Marry Me spune povestea cuplului format din Annie si Jake si toate incercarile prin care trec dupa ce se logodesc. Nu este singurul proiect TV in care este implicata Casey Wilson; la inceputul lunii, NBC a dat unda verde serialului The Mason Twins – o comedie single-camera pe care aceasta a scris-o impreuna cu June Raphael. Comedia prezinta viata unor surori gemene care, dupa ce au stat departe una de alta timp de 15 ani, se reintalnesc dupa ca una dintre ele este obligata sa se intoarca in oraselul natal.

Casey Wilson si David Caspe s-au logodit anul trecut, in mai, si draguta actrita ne povesteste cum a decurs emotionantul moment: “I got engaged over Memorial Day Weekend to my boyfriend of two years and I’m thrilled,” Wilson tells Us Weekly. “He proposed with a beautiful family ring the first night we spent in our new house. I was, of course, crying slash wailing and then my dad and brother and his family came up the driveway and then everybody was cry/wailing. It was very special. A perfect night.