Ben Whishaw (A Very English Scandal) va juca rolul principal in This Is Going to Hurt, adaptarea memoriilor medicului Adam Kay.

Produs de BBC Two si AMC, noul serial spune povestea unui medic de la obstetrica-ginecologie, care se confrunta cu un program de lucru crunt, responsabilitati uriase si ierarhia intr-un spital mare. Adam incearca sa nu isi piarda viata personala, dar cele 97 de ore de munca pe saptamana si deciziile vitale pe care le are de luat aproape zilnic il vor afecta profund. Adaptat de KayThis Is Going to Hurt prezinta avantajele si dezavantajele acestui job, celebrandu-i totodata pe eroii care care lucreaza in sistemul sanitar.

Ben is quite simply one of the finest actors our country has ever produced and a bonafide national treasure. There’s simply no one who could do a better job of playing (a much more handsome version of) me,” a declarat Adam Kay.

I am proud to join this exciting adaptation of Adam Kay’s terrific book. “It’s an honest, hilarious, heartbreaking look at the great institution and the army of unsung heroes who work [in the UK’s National Health Service],” a adaugat Ben Whishaw.

Lucy Forbes (The End of the F–king World) va regiza episoadele, iar Naomi de Pear, Jane Featherstone si Dan McDermott vor fi producatori executivi.